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welcome, we're glad you found us

Hope you have your coffee and heart ready for big changes that are coming your way.

Mental Health



Healing + Growth

Mindset Makeover

What's Next?

Our 5 Day Mindset Makeover Challenge is our next big thing—until our NEXT BIG THING (wink, wink!).

Mindset Makeover Challenge

Therapy Alternative

Why shouldn’t I just hire a therapist?

Healing from the past is a great way to find root causes—but mentoring and coaching are powerful tools to get solutions for the future.

2 for 1

Working with Stefanie & Misty gives you two perspectives, two experiences, and double the power to help you and your family!


Creating Strong Minds was developed by two professionals with 23 years combined of experience, knowledge, certifications, and hands on care.


Stefanie & Misty are both women from divorce parents, who have taken their past traumas to fuel the passion to help parents empower their children’s minds.

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✔ tangible tips
✔ parenting skills for children dealing with a mental health challenge
✔ encouragement (because everyone needs it!)
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Each email you receive will help inspire you to heal, grow and thrive so you can live a life full of EMPOWERMENT to be the best parent ever!

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As Seen On

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Creating Strong Minds
Strengthening Families since 2020

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